Stockwell Recycles
Keep Stockwell Beautiful offers recycling opportunities throughout the Lauramie Township community. Our recycling bin is emptied every 4 days. Thank you to all who have helped us protect our environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling!
Please remember that plastic bags are NOT acceptable.
Million pounds
In 2018, Keep Stockwell Beautiful broke the 1 million pound collection goal with the year-end total exceeding 1.5 million pounds.
Million pounds
In 2019, our community recycled 1.7 million pounds.
Million pounds
In 2020, our community recycled OVER 1.7 million pounds.
About Recycling in Stockwell
The recycling bin is for all to use. Citizens do not have to be from Lauramie Township. Please do not leave items at the recycling station that cannot be recycled. Items are not to be left on the ground if the bin is full. There is a sign that gives you specific information on what can and cannot be left at the bin. Citations will be given for violations.
We appreciate you using the bin for recycling only. Please consider the following requests:
When dropping items off, please be sure to rinse your cans and jars so that we do not have an issue with rodents.
Smashing cardboard and plastic containers helps with the issue of space.
Television sets and other electronics are not acceptable.
Please do not leave bags/boxes on the ground if the bin is full.
The bins are no longer divided. All CLEAN recycling can be combined in the bin.

What can I recycle?
The following items are accepted at the Recycling Center in Stockwell:
- Catalogs
- Phone books
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Broken down cardboard
- Plastic jugs and bottles only
- All colors of glass
- Aluminum cans