Creating a better community.

Keep Stockwell Beautiful organizes annual projects and beautification initiatives.
Please Note: 2021 Projects will be offered as permitted during COVID-19.
These projects are possible due to our amazing team of volunteers, our dedicated Board of Directors, and generous support from corporate and private donors.
2016 Project Initiatives and Events
Cole Outdoor Education Open Houses
This program will be offering Open Houses at the Cole Outdoor Education Center. These are open to the public to come fish, relax, read a book or just hang out in the beautiful five-acre facility.
America Recycles Day
America Recycles Day is a national initiative of Keep America Beautiful. It is a day dedicated to encouraging Americans across the country to take the pledge and recycle. Thousands of events across the country come together to provide recycling opportunities in communities.
Bulky Trash and Tire Collection
This event is for all residents in Clarks Hill, Stockwell and surrounding areas. We will be taking all non-hazardous material (no appliances), as well as tires on a first, come first serve basis. Please note, that all tires will be free except for tractor tires which will be $20.00 each.
E-waste will also be available. The following items are accepted: microwaves, TVs, computers, monitors, printers, and projectors. Please note there may be a limited time to accept e-waste. Stay tuned for more details!
Cole Kids Clean Up Stockwell
This National Award Winning program takes place during the spring months. James Cole Elementary 4th and 5th graders walk to Stockwell and spend the afternoon cleaning up the town. Not only do they clean up, they also help plant flowers, trees and shrubs.
This annual program is part of the Great American Cleanup sponsored by Keep America Beautiful.